duplications & Permissions
We can provide copies of some materials from our collections. To place an order, please fill out the Duplications Request form and return it to us by mail or email. Associated fees are outlined on the form. Patrons may use digital cameras without flash in the reading room for research purposes free of charge.
Duplications requests are closed through 1/21/25.
A duplication request does not constitute permission to publish or otherwise use the image beyond personal research purposes. See the Permissions section for information regarding using material in publications.
permission to use materiaL
To use material from the archives in a publication, including books, periodicals, films, exhibitions, websites and all other uses, please complete the Request to Use Material in a Publication form and return it to us by mail or email. Associated fees are outlined on the form. If you also need scans or digitization services, please see the Duplications section.
Publication requests are closed through 1/21/25.
Request to Use Material in a Publication Form
The GLBT Historical Society does not hold copyright to all of the material in the collections. Further copyright clearance may be needed in order to use material in publications. Users must obtain written permission from the copyright owner and from the GLBT Historical Society as the owners of the physical material to use material in a publication.
Payments and Order ProcessinG
You can email these forms to reference@glbthistory.org or mail them to GLBT Historical Society, 989 Market St., Lower Level, San Francisco, CA 94103.
Once we receive your completed forms, we will contact you to arrange payment. Requests for duplications and permissions require 7–14 business days for us to process. We cannot accommodate rush orders.
Loan Requests
We occasionally loan some of our many items to other museums and institutions for temporary exhibitions in different curatorial contexts. Please email us if you represent an institution interested in a loan of any of our materials. Details about our loan policies and procedures are available here. Please note that loans may take several weeks to arrange.
Banner: The Purple Pickle, ca. 1970s; photograph by Henri Leleu, Henri Leleu Papers (1997-13), GLBT Historical Society.